2020 All Marysville Garage Sale Canceled

TLDR; Without moving to Phase 3 and recent changes to social distancing in Phase 3, we are canceling this years 2020 All Marysville Garage Sale.
We have been anxiously waiting to see how we could support our community garage sale event goal of bringing thousands of shoppers to our 100+ homes of garage sale treasures in Marysville, WA. As with many COVID-19 updates, we saw the NW Largest Garage Sale, West Seattle Community Garage Sale and most recent neighbor for North Everett’s Mother of All Garage Sales all cancel their community sales and saddened knowing we could be next.
Our early hope was to provide an opportunity for our community to not throw items in the land fill and be able to sell to many excited shoppers. With WA state and Snohomish Health District guidelines, we knew with “Safe Start” Phase 3 social gatherings limits of 50 people, we could provide an online map to search for specific locations, reduce the number of stops and encourage electronic payment to reduce contact. However, Snohomish County continues to remain in Phase 2 and the governor reduced Phase 3 limits from 50 down to 10 people during a weeks period. This became apparent that social gatherings (even if we did make it to Phase 3) could not be maintained during a larger community garage sale event. With that said,
We officially have canceled this years 2020 All Marysville Garage Sale.
— William Frankhouser
With that said, we will support individual garage sales for these phases that can maintain social distancing guidelines (6 feet distance if possible, wearing a mask, frequent and adequate hand washing). Please continue to post your Marysville garage sales on Facebook group:
Marysville, WA Garage/Yard/Moving Sales Facebook Group
We hope to come back next year and help promote this great community event.
Bookmark your calendars now for the 4th Annual All Marysville Garage Sale August 20-22, 2021!