2021 AMGS Sign Up is LIVE!

The 2021 4th Annual All Marysville Garage Sale Sign up is now LIVE! We have 3 months left until the community garage sale weekend. Please share with your neighbors. RSVP on Facebook too! The more clusters of sales on the map equal more visitors!
Sign Up to Add Your Sale to the Map!
Deadline: Wednesday, Aug. 18
Our Annual Goal:
- 25 Homes by July 7th
- 50 Homes by August 1st
- 100 Homes by August 15th
The All Marysville, WA Garage Sale Weekend is August 20-22, 2021! To better advertise, we have this FREE Map Sign-Up for residents to help be listed on the Google Map to show where your sale is. All that we ask is provide what days you will have the sale (not all 3 are required, but encouraged), what time, where (Must be a Marysville, WA location), and what stuff you have!
Note on COVID Guidelines: We shall all respect those who are having sales and those visiting the sales. Some will have vaccines, some will not. Some will not wear masks, others will too. Please respect our neighbors and visitors. As a host of a sale at your house, you have the right to refuse a sale and determine how comfortable you are or if you want to require masks. We also recommend providing digital payment options if you so choose.
If you have any questions, please contact info@marysvillegsale.com